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For bringing inclusive improvement in the functioning of Agricultural Systems across the world, the training and teaching of the discipline of Agricultural Statistics are now of paramount importance. Understanding the recent statistical applications for data collection, small descriptive and predictive analysis on estimating yield and productivity is the need of the hour. The teaching and training aspects associated with these components are essential and a significant role is played by various institutes, both in research as well as teaching and training in the field of Agricultural Statistics and Computer Application.
This course is designed for agriculturists to learn to establish their own statistical inferences and comprehend the graphical user interface of the recent Android/iOS/Windows applications designed for the purpose. The candidates increase their productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness, facilitate access to markets, improve nutritional outcomes and enhance resilience to climate change. These technologies range from mobile apps to digital identities for farmers to solar applications for agriculture to portable agriculture devices.
The candidates taking this course would explore the Agriculture Industry using key insights to gain a richer and deeper understanding of the Agriculture Industry and gain a solid understanding of core concepts of statistics and data in agriculture, with a focus on used cases and potential impact. The farmers learning the concepts in this course are expected to have a closer acquaintance with digital tools helping them to enhance on-farm productivity.
This course is designed for anyone who wishes to learn about data collection and handling in agriculture
Qualifying registered learners will be given certificates based on their involvement and performance. Participation and Competency certificates will be issued by the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IIT Kanpur, India, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada.
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