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Livestock especially ruminants play a significant role in global food security, rural livelihoods and economies of developing nations. They are providers of income and employment for farmers besides providing diverse range of products such as milk, meat, hides, wool, heat and energy. The milk and meat from ruminants are also an important source of calories, high quality proteins and micro-nutrients. Under-consumption of animal proteins is linked to malnutrition and stunting with serious health outcomes globally. 17% of calories and 33% proteins consumed worldwide comes from animal sources. This necessitates to maintain good health of ruminants by adopting the best health management practices. Fluid therapy is an important component of management for many diseases that affect cattle and small ruminants. Dehydration and hypovolemia can occur due to decreased fluid intake or excessive fluid loss due to diarrhoea, haemorrhage, excessive salivation etc.
This agMOOCs course will enhance the knowledge and skill of the veterinarians across Asia and Africa to save animals and sustain productivity thereby enabling them to institute appropriate treatment protocol for the sick ruminants at field level thereby making the animal productive and enhancing the livelihood and increasing the economy of farmers.
Qualifying registered learners will be given certificates based on their involvement and performance. Participation and Competency certificates will be issued by Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IIT Kanpur, India, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada and Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai, India.
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