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The term ‘Extension’, has different connotations in different countries. In India, it refers to ‘Transfer of technology; in USA, it means ‘Education’; while in UK, it is advisory work and so on. Extension education is relatively the youngest science, and has the history of about 170 years. There are many misconceptions about extension which need to be addressed. Extension education has developed as a discipline and also as a profession. In recent years, it has emerged as an important service sector. With the developments in technology information, it has emerged as important input in agricultural production. The role of extension professional is to treat the information according to the needs of the client system. Providing customized information to the needy clients is the priority area of extension.
This course deals with objectives, principles, philosophy and dimensions of extension. Programme planning is part of extension. The historic efforts of planning and implementation of extension programmes provide us insights to develop future extension programmes. The implications of innovations and its consequences are the components that have been covered in the course. The latest trends in extension science herald significance of extension in agricultural production. An effort has been made to differentiate between extension educationists and extension service providers. The understandings of fundamentals of extension education lead to development of extension professionals.
Understanding concept of extension
Understanding dimensions and process of extension and programme planning
Pre & Post Independence Extension Systems
Innovations in extension and development
New trends in extension
Rural Development and Extension
Diffusion and adoption of innovations
What is Extension
Community Development Programme, NES, DCB
Training and Visit System of Extension
First line extension efforts of ICAR
Cyber extension
Market-led extension
Farming situation based extension
Rural leadership
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