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Current trends in treatment and control of parasitic diseases of livestock and poultry

This course is archived. Certificates will not be issued for this course.

Course Description

One of the greatest challenges of the century is the need to feed the population with the available limited resources where the only solution is to increase the productive capacity of the eco-systems. Intensification of animal rearing is prevalent to explore the existing resources with maximum efficacy to increase the production per unit. But it creates conducive conditions for parasite transmission and growth. Parasitic infections are transmitted from animal to animal or from animal to human by contact or ingestion of infective larvae or oocysts through contaminated water, soil and food. Parasites reside inside or outside their hosts get host nutrition and blood, thus reduce production and cause financial losses due to control, treatment and mortality costs. 
Economic efficiency plays a key role in livestock farming. Like in any other activity, farmers must produce at a low-cost to obtain a positive balance with better returns on investment. Economic losses occur not only when animals die, but also when they are unable to perform their regular work, or when they produce inferior meat, milk, wool, hides, or eggs. Parasitic infections can limit and restrict those economic results. Endemic parasites are a major cause for economic loss in animal husbandry, especially in tropical areas and the developing countries. 
A proper knowledge of the parasites and vigorous application of this knowledge will help to protect the nation’s livestock industry. The veterinarians and personnel involved in the livestock services need to refresh and update themselves in control of parasitic infestations. Hence this course will be useful for all those involved in animal practice so as to reach those benefits to the livestock and their owners.

Course Content

  • Update on the tapeworm infections of livestock and poultry.
  • Recent updates on control of gastrointestinal.
  • Anthelmintic Resistance - current problem with future perspectives.
  • Novel methods in control of ectoparasites of livestock and poultry.
  • Vector-borne protozoan disease of domestic livestock.
  • Trends in diagnosis and control of chicken coccidiosis.

Course Audience

  • Practising veterinarians
  • Veterinarians of the State Animal Husbandry Departments, faculty/veterinarians of State Agricultural and Veterinary Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, NGOs, etc.
  • Students/internees pursuing veterinary/animal sciences and poultry management.

Outcomes of this Course

  • New methods to control ectoparasites in livestock and poultry
  • Protozoan diseases affecting livestock that are transmitted by vectors
  • Diagnosing and controlling chicken coccidiosis
  • Control of gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants
  • Update on control of tapeworm infections
  • Resistance due to anthelmintic drugs


Will be given based on their involvement and performance. Participation certificate and Competency certificate will be issued by Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada and Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai, India.