This portal is no longer active, and certificates will not be issued. The content will be archived and made available on the Commonwealth of Learning's Pressbook.
Agricultural statistics training and instruction are crucial in improving global agricultural systems. Farmers and agricultural practitioners are now keen to prowess in research and learning in agricultural statistics and computer applications. Understanding recent statistical applications for descriptive and predictive analyses on yield and productivity is vital for their existence and this knowledge helps farmers make better statistical assumptions. This course explores to the industry key insights to develop a broader and deeper understanding and a strong comprehension of essential principles of data and statistics in agriculture, with an emphasis on used examples and possible impact. Foundations are covered first, followed by agricultural applications. Candidates learn forecasting approaches to boost production, efficiency, and competitiveness. Analysis methodologies using soft tools are covered which educate farmers boost their farm output
Qualifying students will be given certificates based on their involvement and performance. Participation OR Competence certificate will be issued by Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada.
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