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AG393A: Basics of Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture

This course is archived. Certificates will not be issued for this course.

Course Description

Entrepreneurship is basically the state of mind of an individual, if you wish, you can be an entrepreneur. The idea of the development of entrepreneurship in agriculture and allied sciences becomes more relevant because, in the Indian context, we have accepted agriculture as part of our culture. In the changed scenario, it has taken the shape of business rather than culture, hence Indian farmers and agricultural practitioners should develop entrepreneurial skills to be the global player. Looking into the potential, the government is promoting entrepreneurship in agriculture among farmers, students, professionals etc., through various programmes, projects, and institutions. This course deals with conceptual issues in entrepreneurship, types, forms, frameworks of entrepreneurship, various institutions providing a platform and opportunities for farmers and professionals etc. An entrepreneur has to be a good communicator. Hence the importance of communication for entrepreneurs will be discussed in the course. There are various theories and models in operation which will be dealt for an understanding of a potential entrepreneur. Appropriate success stories of entrepreneurs will be discussed for better understanding of a concept and for development of conviction among budding entrepreneurs.

Course Content

In this course, some basic concepts of entrepreneurship will be introduced in the beginning. The important topics to be covered are highlighted hereunder.

  • Forms and types of entrepreneur
  • Motivation and entrepreneurship
  • Theories of entrepreneurship
  • Institutional support for entrepreneurship development
  • Venture capital
  • Public private partnership
  • Overview of Agricultural input industry
  • Case studies of entrepreneurs


Course Audience

  • UG and PG Students of Agriculture and allied sciences (Horticulture, Veterinary Science, Sericulture)
  • Agribusiness Management and General Management Students
  • Faculty of SAUs
  • Agriculture Scientists in ICAR
  • Professionals in State Department of Agriculture
  • Agricultural marketing and Cooperation professionals
  • Agricultural Engineering faculty and students
  • NGOs in Agriculture
  • Progressive farmers/ Farming community

Outcomes of this Course

  • Typology of entrepreneurial firms
  • Framework of entrepreneurial venture
  • SWOT analysis for an entrepreneur
  • Generation, incubation and commercialization of ideas and innovations
  • Role of MSME in entrepreneurship development
  • Steps to be a successful entrepreneur
  • Communication for entrepreneur
  • Models of entrepreneurship


Qualifying students will be given certificates based on their involvement and performance. Participation certificate and Competency certificate will be issued by Center for Development of Technical Education, IIT Kanpur and Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada.