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AG364C: Detection, Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases

This course is archived. Certificates will not be issued for this course.

Course Description

Management of crop diseases caused by various phytopathogens needs proper detection and diagnosis of the causal agents. Adequate crop management strategies could be sorted out only when the actual causal agent is correctly established. The course is designed to discuss the approaches used for plant disease detection and diagnosis. Both conventional, as well as advanced molecular diagnostic techniques currently being used for plant disease diagnosis, will be discussed. Additional emphasis will also be given to discuss the recent advancements in plant disease diagnostics and special applications of diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of specific plant pathogens. Additionally, how plant disease diagnostics can help in the management of plant diseases will also be discussed. In short, the course is designed to present a clear picture of the concepts of disease detection and diagnosis; tools and techniques used for disease detection and diagnosis; special applications of plant disease diagnostic tools; diagnostic challenges; forensics of plants and microbes; and diagnostics in plant disease management.

Course Content

  • Detection of plant pathogens
  • Conventional diagnostic techniques
  • Advanced and Molecular diagnostic techniques
  • Recent advances in diagnostic techniques
  • Special applications of plant disease diagnosis
  • Diagnostics in plant disease management

Course Audience

  • UG and PG students of Agriculture and Allied Sciences
  • Faculty of SAUs
  • Agriculture Scientists in ICAR
  • Professionals in the State Department of Agriculture
  • Specialists working in KVKs
  • NGOs in Agriculture
  • Progressive farmers/ Farming community

Outcomes of this Course

  • Biotechnology & Genomics  in plant disease management
  • Procedures in plant disease diagnosis
  • Identification and quantification of airborne inoculum
  • Diagnosis of seed-borne pathogens
  • Genomics & AI-based diagnosis
  • Detection of human pathogens on plants
  • DNA barcoding of pathogens of quarantine


Qualifying students will be given certificates based on their involvement and performance. Participation certificate and Competency certificate will be issued by the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IIT Kanpur, India and Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada.