This portal is no longer active, and certificates will not be issued. The content will be archived and made available on the Commonwealth of Learning's Pressbook.
Design Thinking is an introduction to the process of generating creative ideas and concepts. It aims at finding ways and intellect used by the designers in order to initiate the method to finally develop a robust and sustainable product. Agribusiness looks towards innovation to counter the pressures due to drastic variations in climate and population density. Design thinking in building agricultural equipment emphasize on understanding the needs of the customers, farmers, workers and machine operators, to convert the ideas through a usable approach to develop a problem-solving activity or machine. The current course covers the step by step procedure to make agricultural equipment. Introduction to design, manufacturing, and product characteristics are catered in the starting weeks. This is followed by the design thinking process where creativity holds the key. Tasks for the students are given in the lectures, and examples and case studies are quoted for making the course palatable.
Qualifying students will be given certificates based on their involvement and performance. Participation certificate and Competency certificate will be issued by the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IIT Kanpur, India and Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada.
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